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Friday 7 December 2018

Winter Fashion Trends


Winter Fashion Trends

It’s that time of year again when woollens cover the entirety of the stores and jumpers are cool enough to step out in. Winter is the perfect opportunity to experiment with your style and integrate comfort with fashion. These are the times when wearing too much is acceptable. The best part, is that you can do so much with so little.

This year is all about the ’70s, with animal prints back in fashion and browns covering the streets. Get tangy with neons and calm with the blues. Integrate knitwear with tights and do not forget about the tunics. It’s all about experimenting. So unleash your inner diva and get ready to take the winter by storm.

Here are the latest fashion trends that are ruling the winter season.

Embrace the Prints

Animal prints have stepped back into the fashion industry, especially leopard and zebra prints. Prints are a great way to bring texture to plain blacks and browns. They can even be worn with dark and warm colors, to bring out more character. Leopard prints are a staple in every winter wardrobe, and the trick lies behind styling them correctly.

Animal printed coats with a plain white or black tee and high-waisted black skinny jeans are all you need to set a statement. Pair them up with boots and voila!. To mix it up a little, pair an animal print skirt with a plain black blouse and a coat. Just remember to maintain the balance between prints and muted colors, and do not overdo it.

Take Out the Browns

With the ‘70s back in the wardrobe, it’s time to focus on the browns. Browns are the best way to neutralize blacks, and they are less harsh. They gave out a calm and collected persona, which is best to get the point across. They not only look professional, but also set high standards. 

The best part is that they can be integrated with almost everything. Be it dresses or boots, do not hesitate to integrate browns in your outfits. If you’re feeling a little rebellious, go ahead and mix them up with a few unusual colors and prints. Bring in the pop of red or maroon and add life to the plains. 

Get Bold with the Neons

Many of us are hesitant about neons. We love them on ramps and magazine covers, but don’t have the confidence to pull them out. Neons are great for giving the pop of personality to dull winter clothing. A simple neon jacket over a black top is ready to dress.

They are perfect for informal gatherings and daily tasks. Neons jackets or leggings with plain colors are easy to assemble costumes, that can be comfortable for long and tiring days. So do not hesitate to integrate some neons into your winter wardrobe.

Accessorize It Right

Many women make the mistake of skipping accessories with winter clothes. It is a common understanding that accessorizing with heavy winter costumes is a no go, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Just a little accessorizing can take the simple costume to a whole new level.

Scarves, beanies, and gloves are the go-to-source when thinking about winter accessories. A cute blanket scarf with a tight fit blouse, jeans, and a coat adds coziness to the whole look. And what can be better than blanket scarves to keep warm in the harsh cold? You can also use an oversized kimono to give a more comfortable look.

Use Layering to Add Texture

If you’re someone who is just too cold to endure fashion, then layering is the perfect fashion trend for you. Layering can be a little tricky for some. Where on one hand it can be cute, it can ruin the look if it's mismatched and just too much. If you’re going for layering, make sure you are matching the correct pieces together.

For instance, layer the tight garments under the loose clothes. This means that a tight body fit top should be paired with a loose jacket or coat. The other option here can be by going bold. Mixing too many bold colors, without wearing something to neutralize it is just a fashion accident. Always wear a light color among the bold tones. 

One more mistake that is extremely common when you’re trying to layer, is the use of the same shade. Now, wearing the same color is taking a risk, but makes sure that you’re mixing different shades of color to add life to the costume.

Be Airy With the Blues

Winter is the season to bring in warm and bold colors. But they are also very commonplace. Where black and brown are the common colors covering the street, they can also be a little stuffy sometimes. Use pastels and blue to bring in a more open and airy feel to your dress. 

Blue is the color associated with the chilly weather. It blends in with the atmosphere and has a calm persona about it. If you’re looking for something calm and collected, look go for pastels and light blues. And if you’re aiming to get a point across, go for the darker shades. Shimmery and dark blues are best for letting loose and giving a party vibe.

Tangy Jumpers

Winter is the only time when you can get away with wearing jumpers in the name of fashion. A fuzzy knitted jumper is a staple in every woman’s wardrobe. Use jumpers to create a cozy and comfortable look. They are best to wear on a casual outing and informal meetings. Pair them up with tight black or dark blue denim to give more shape to your costume. Do not hesitate to bring in a pop of color with your jumper. Go over the top with pinks, oranges and yellows with neutral tones to add some finesse to your look.

Be Your Best This Winter

With continuously changing fashion trends, it is sometimes hard to keep up. With knitwear and tunics being in and the ‘70s coming back, it is not hard to experiment with your own style. Go over the top this winter and take the streets by storm with these fashion trends. It is not hard to integrate comfort with style as long as you try your best. Joyeux Hiver!

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