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Thursday 30 October 2014

How to Wear Ladies Shrugs

You may ask – what exactly is a shrug? Essentially, a ladies shrug is similar to a cardigan, but is usually much lighter weight, and cropped so it only falls across the upper back. It can be fastened at the front, usually loosely with a tie, or not at all.

Shrugs can be a great addition to any woman’s wardrobe. Not only do they come in such a huge variety of styles and colours, so that you can wear them with almost anything, they are also a great way to cover up. A lot of women are self-conscious about their upper arms, and a shrug allows you to cover them, without having to wear a heavier jacket, or choose a different outfit, and would definitely be worth adding to your wardrobe.

If you have never owned or worn a shrug before, then you may be at a loss of how to wear one. The short answer would be – however you want to if you feel you want to cover up, but you can read on for a few more tips and advice on how ladies can wear a shrug.

To wear a shrug casually, you could choose almost any colour that matches your outfit; whether it’s jeans and a top, a dress, or a skirt and boots. Shrugs are great to carry with you in the summer, as they are small and lightweight enough to store away in a bag, and then easy to throw on for a little cover when it cools off in the evenings. They would also make great bikini cover-ups for summer holidays.

Shrugs are also great to add some personality to work or office wear. A lot of people will mostly wear black to the office - black trousers, black skirts – and wearing a coloured shrug will add some vibrancy and lift to your everyday wardrobe.

Don’t like taking a jacket on a night out? Shrugs can be the perfect answer to the eternal dilemma of taking a jacket to keep warm at the end of a night on the town, or taking one and just ending up carrying it around and leaving it somewhere. Lightweight shrugs lend themselves perfectly to a glamorous ‘night-out’ outfit, as they can often be sheer, with a bit of shimmer or sparkle, and would definitely not detract from your style. They are small enough to fit in the smallest of bags, but sufficient enough to offer comfort when the evening gets a bit chilly.

Similarly, if you find yourself attending a glamorous party or event, and your favourite dress shows too much of your back or upper arms, a shrug can help you feel a lot less self-conscious by adding a little something extra, and seeming like a part of your outfit itself. Which is a lot better than someone nagging you to ‘take your jacket off’ all night.

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